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Stenadrol 10 is a single compound Muscle building Monster, with Methylstenbolone as its active compound. Methylstenbolone serves as providing excellent mass gains, size gains, bulking purpose oriented, and delivering both fuller muscles and strength gains. Methylstenbolone is a DHT derived prohormone that provides lean mass gains with low water retention. Considered the MOST POTENT prohormone on the market, this bad-boy is considered the SUPERDROL replacement, without the bloat.
Methylstenbolone was brought to the market by Antaeus Labs with their product “Ultradrol.” For a good period of time while superdrol was out, no one knew that Methylstenbolone even existed, and was just better known as Ultradrol. The two common nomenclatures for Methylstenbolone are 2,17a-dimethyl-5a-androsta-1-en-17b-ol-3-one and 2,17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one. In addItion, Methylstenbolone has also been called M-sten or Msten for short, as well as Methyl Sten.           
Gains upwards of 20-25 lbs in 4 weeks are probably possible with this compound. Be cautious as liver protection, the proper diet, and protocol are required when using Stenadrol 10. The the strength increase from this compound will likely encourage weight lifting heavier than tendons and joints are prepared to lift so be careful! It is recommended to be cautious of this and to naturally build up strength levels prior to cycling this product. We recommend a liver protection product to be taken before and during your cycle with Stenadrol.The recommended dosage as a standalone product is 10-20 mg. You might want to start your cycle on only 1 capsule a day and gradually increase to two capsules after 10-15 days.

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